I have a file called app.rb that runs a server when I run it on my local machine. I would like to deploy app.rb to Heroku so the server will run on Heroku. I think I need to make root in routes.rb point it to. How do I do this?
this is the config.ru:
require_relative 'config/environment'
require '/.app.rb'
run Rails.application
run Sinatra::Application
This is the web server code in app.rb, from codepath guides (https://guides.codepath.com/android/Google-Cloud-Messaging#step-3-setup-web-server):
require 'sinatra'
require 'rest-client'
require 'sequel'
# Create a SQLite3 database
DB = Sequel.connect('sqlite://gcm-test.db')
# Create a Device table if it doesn't exist
DB.create_table? :Device do
primary_key :reg_id
String :user_id
String :reg_token
String :os, :default => 'android'
Device = DB[:Device] # create the dataset
# Registration endpoint mapping reg_token to user_id
# POST /register?reg_token=abc&user_id=123
post '/register' do
if Device.filter(:reg_token => params[:reg_token]).count == 0
device = Device.insert(:reg_token => params[:reg_token], :user_id => params[:user_id], :os => 'android')
# Ennpoint for sending a message to a user
# POST /send?user_id=123&title=hello&body=message
post '/send' do
# Find devices with the corresponding reg_tokens
reg_tokens = Device.filter(:user_id => params[:user_id]).map(:reg_token).to_a
if reg_tokens.count != 0
send_gcm_message(params[:title], params[:body], reg_tokens)
# Sending logic
# send_gcm_message(["abc", "cdf"])
def send_gcm_message(title, body, reg_tokens)
# Construct JSON payload
post_args = {
# :to field can also be used if there is only 1 reg token to send
:registration_ids => reg_tokens,
:data => {
:title => title,
:body => body,
:anything => "foobar"
# Send the request with JSON args and headers
RestClient.post 'https://gcm-http.googleapis.com/gcm/send', post_args.to_json,
:Authorization => 'key=' + AUTHORIZE_KEY, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json
This is the procfile:
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
when I follow the getting started with Ruby on Heroku example, I can see the example webpage. However, if I edit the config.ru file with 'run Sinatra::Application', and deploy to heroku, it is not able to show the example webpage anymore, and just says "Not Found"
This should be