Rails engine concerns autoload paths

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I have some rails engine 'Core', and I have:

# core/app/models/core/concerns/user_helper.rb
module Core
 module UserHelper
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
  included do
  # some methods

# core/app/models/core/user.rb
module Core
 class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Core::UserHelper

however it says uninitialized constant Core::UserHelper. So it seems engine doesn't load its concerns by default, so I added it in the autoload paths

module Core
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    config.autoload_paths += %W(#{Core::Engine.root}/app/models/core/concerns)
    isolate_namespace Core

And now I end up this error: Unable to autoload constant UserHelper, expected myapp/core/app/models/core/concerns/user_helper.rb to define it

So what is wrong here? When I checked the guide http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html and it didn't have the concerns in concerns directory, but rather under lib/concerns and had all reference to concern using Core::Concerns::MyConcern, so is this where to put concerns in engine?



Yury comment explained the issue, it seems that in rails engines concerns directory don't get any special treatment, and it is treated as a normal directory under models, so modules in it must be within Concerns namespace, and when including a concern, you have to include it with Concerns namesapace as well, if I understand right. I 'm surprised this is not mentioned in the docs.


There are 2 answers

Yoganand On

The concern must reside inside the app/models|controllers/concerns/engine_name/concern_name.rb. This will autoload the concern.

To include the concern, include EngineName::ConcernName.

Theo Scholiadis On

I had the same issue. Your mistake is that you are putting the concerns directory in the app/{models|controllers}/core directory, when it should be the other way round.

Instead of doing


change it to be


It took me a bit to figure out, because I intuitively thought it should also be under the engine_name directory.

Hope this helps.