rails: delayed-job progress bar

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I am trying to show user a progress bar for a task running in the delayed job. I am populating a large amount of data using delayed job in the database like this.

class ImportSchoolsAndDistricts < Struct.new(:import, :content)
  def perform
    total = content.size
    content.each_with_index do |record,index|
      # create records here
      import.update_attribute(:progress, (index + 1)/total*100)


:import is an instance of Import model with an attribute progress. I will use this progress attribute to display to the user the status of job as a percentage.

But the update of progress is not occurring continuously. It is updating only twice: once at the beginning and once at the end, so the values i am getting for progress are 0% and 100%.

Since i am using ruby 1.9, I cannot use progress_bar https://github.com/d4be4st/progress_job (requires Ruby 2.0.0)


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