I have the following barchart for which I'm trying to turn the hover tooltip off:
= bar_chart [["", current_admin.company.progress_to_target_this_month]], colors: [current_admin.company.progress_bar_colour]
From their homepage, I can make an initializer file which I've done:
Chartkick.options = {
height: '300px',
colors: ['#b00', '#666'],
discrete: true,
library: {
pointSize: 0,
vAxis: {
points: false,
legend: false,
discrete: true
hAxis: {
points: false,
legend: false,
discrete: true,
textPosition: 'none'
tooltips: {
enabled: false
options: {
tooltips: {
enabled: false
tooltips: {
enabled: false
The options regarding vaxis and haxis all work, however I can't get anything to do with tooltips working. I've tried every variety of inserting tooltips: { enabled: false } that I can think of with no joy.
If anyone has any advise it would be greatly appreciated
As of summer 2017 custom tooltips are not supported in chartkick.js. There are two open issues about this on the GitHub repository: