Rails after_save callback not firing

3.3k views Asked by At

I have the code below that works just fine for the deletion of record, but on attempting to insert records into the table, using the after_save callback, does nothing.

Essentially what I'm doing is creating a series of advanced relationships that should create or remove relationships from the table campaign_category_metro_bids. If I run in PHPMyAdmin there is no trouble. But clicking through and activating in rails only allows for the second callback, after_destroy to be called...

 class CampaignMetro < ActiveRecord::Base

    belongs_to :campaign
    belongs_to :metro

    after_destroy :destroy_category_campaign_metro_bid
    after_save    :create_category_campaign_metro_bid

    def create_category_campaign_metro_bid
        insert = "INSERT INTO campaign_category_metro_bids (campaign_id,category_id, metro_id, created_at, updated_at)
                    SELECT e.campaign_id, e.category_id, e.metro_id, NOW(), NOW()
                    (SELECT c.campaign_id, c.category_id, c.metro_id
                     FROM (SELECT a.campaign_id, a.category_id, b.metro_id
                           FROM campaign_categories a 
                           cross join campaign_metros b 
                           ON a.campaign_id = b.campaign_id) c) e
                    LEFT JOIN campaign_category_metro_bids d
                    ON d.campaign_id = e.campaign_id and
                       d.category_id = e.category_id and
                       d.metro_id    = e.metro_id
                    WHERE d.campaign_id is null and 
                          d.category_id is null and 
                          d.metro_id    is null;"


    def destroy_category_campaign_metro_bid
        delete="DELETE d.*
                FROM campaign_category_metro_bids d
                LEFT JOIN
                (SELECT c.campaign_id, c.category_id, c.metro_id
                 FROM (SELECT a.campaign_id, a.category_id, b.metro_id
                       FROM campaign_categories a 
                       cross join campaign_metros b 
                       ON a.campaign_id = b.campaign_id) c) e
                ON d.campaign_id = e.campaign_id and
                   d.category_id = e.category_id and
                   d.metro_id    = e.metro_id
                WHERE e.campaign_id is null and 
                      e.category_id is null and 
                      e.metro_id    is null;"


How can I get this to work?


There are 1 answers

rafb3 On

The problem is that on after_save the transaction that will create the record on the database haven't been committed yet, so the record isn't really there yet. You have to use after_commit.
