Radio buttons values removes while Cloning in jquery

506 views Asked by At

I want to clone a table (Not a table Row) with textboxes and radio buttons in it.

More specifically, I want to clone whole table without textbox values but with radio button values.

Here, textbox and radio button values get removed while cloning. How can I obtain the desired behavior ?

Here, is my code :

<table id="tablePreviousHistory">
                <input id="pCountry" name="pCountry" value="" type="text">
                <input id="pvisatype" name="pvisatype" value="" type="text">
                <input id="pstartdate" name="pstartdate" value="" type="text">
                <input id="pStatus" name="pStatus" value="Yes" type="radio">
                <input id="pStatus" name="pStatus" value="No" type="radio">


$("#tablePreviousHistory").clone(true).attr('id', 'tablePreviousHistory' + k).find("input").val('').each(function () {
                if (this.type=='radio') {
                    this.checked = false;
                    'id': function (_, id) { return id + k },
                    'name': function (_, name) { return name + k }
            }).end().insertAfter("#tablePreviousHistory" + (k != 1 ? (k - 1).toString() : ''));


There are 3 answers

dading84 On

The text inputs are cleared in this line of code with val('')

$("#tablePreviousHistory").clone(true).attr('id', 'tablePreviousHistory' + k).find("input").val('').each(function () {

If you replace that line with this one below, then they should no longer clear.

$("#tablePreviousHistory").clone(true).attr('id', 'tablePreviousHistory' + k).find("input").each(function () {
ScanQR On

It is because of while cloning it is unchecked by following,

 if (this.type=='radio') {
        this.checked = false;
Aditya On

I think I found the issue with help of this answer

Here is my function to clone a table row, it should help in similar issue

 * Add QC Row
 * @param element $ele
 * @param integer $currentRowIndex
 * @return void
function addRow(ele,currentRowIndex) {
    let row = $(ele).parents("tr");
    let clone = $(row).clone(true); // copy children too       
    //First change the name index for the cloned row so that it does not disturb other
    $(clone).find('input[type=radio]').each(function () {
        let str =;
        let str_split = str.split('[');
        str_split[1] = str_split[1].replace(']', '');
        str_split[2] = str_split[2].replace(']', '');
        str_split[3] = !empty(str_split[3]) ? str_split[3].replace(']', '') : '';
        let mainid ='';
            mainid = str_split[0]+"["+str_split[1]+"][20000000]["+str_split[3]+"]";                
        } else {
            // Remove numbers by first regexp
            mainid = str_split[0]+"[20000000]["+str_split[2]+"]";
        } = mainid;

    //Create new index first before cloning so that the values are retained
    let parameterAllRows = $(".container-itemprameter tr");
    $.each(parameterAllRows, function(index) {
        $(this).find('input[name^="QiParameterTestResult"]').each(function () {
            let str =;
            let str_split = str.split('[');
            str_split[1] = str_split[1].replace(']', '');
            str_split[2] = str_split[2].replace(']', '');
            str_split[3] = !empty(str_split[3]) ? str_split[3].replace(']', '') : '';
            let mainname='';
                mainname = str_split[0]+"["+str_split[1]+"]["+index+"]["+str_split[3]+"]";
            } else {
                // Remove numbers by first regexp
                mainname = str_split[0]+"["+index+"]["+str_split[2]+"]";

    //Now insert the row

    //Now rearrange the indexes properly
    parameterAllRows = $(".container-itemprameter tr");
    $.each(parameterAllRows, function(index) {
        $(this).find('input[id^="QiParameterTestResult-"]').each(function () {
            let str =;
            let str_split = str.split('-');
            let mainid='';
                mainid = str_split[0]+"-"+str_split[1]+"-"+index+"-"+str_split[3];
            } else {
                // Remove numbers by first regexp
                mainid = str_split[0]+"-"+index+"-"+str_split[2];
        $(this).find('input[name^="QiParameterTestResult"]').each(function () {
            let str =;
            let str_split = str.split('[');
            str_split[1] = str_split[1].replace(']', '');
            str_split[2] = str_split[2].replace(']', '');
            str_split[3] = !empty(str_split[3]) ? str_split[3].replace(']', '') : '';
            let mainname='';
                mainname = str_split[0]+"["+str_split[1]+"]["+index+"]["+str_split[3]+"]";
            } else {
                // Remove numbers by first regexp
                mainname = str_split[0]+"["+index+"]["+str_split[2]+"]";

I have copied the entire code as it is so that it helps to understand in details what exactly needs to be done.