I'm running RMQ 3.83 (Erlang 22.3.1), and I am looking to export a single vhost only, with all it's relevant config (exchanges/queues/users) and then import it into our dev environment after changing a few values.
Is there a way I can do that with rabbitmqadmin, was looking around and have only found articles relating to a full RMQ config/definition export, which is not what I am aiming to do.
would this command do?:
rabbitmqadmin export -V vhost vhost.json
About the environment:
The RMQ app is running on an Ubuntu 20.4 three node cluster.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, that command will get the list of exchanges, queues, and bindings for the specified vhost.
This will effectively call the http api endpoint api/definitions/vhost?download=vhost.json