R Shiny app - big mysql query results in page not loading

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I have a Shiny app which uses two mysql queries to retrieve data and the app works well when run from RStudio. (one of the queries is taking around 8 minutes)

But when I move it on a Shiny Server and access http://ip/myapp/, the page it's loading for a while and the I get "Problem loading page" .

I assume it's because the long query. Is there some good way to deal with this situation, when long queries have to be made from Shiny app?

-- (running locally app.R from RStudio, works fine)

Info about the app:

  • Location: /srv/shiny-server/myapp

  • Filename: app.r

  • File structure:

    -- load libraries



    -- Connection and queries

    con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
                     user = '#',
                     password = '#',
                     host = '#',
    tickets<-dbGetQuery(con, "Select * from table")
    dbDisconnect (con)
    con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
                     user = '#',
                     password = '#',
                     host = '#',
    -- long query
    issues_speed_unique<-unique(na.omit(dbGetQuery(con,"Select * from table2")))
    dbDisconnect (con) 
    some aggregations....

    -- Server code


    -- ui code

    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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