R: Quadratic programming/ Isotonic regression

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I want to minimise the following equation:

F=SUM{u 1:20}sum{w 1:10}   Quw(ruw-yuw)^2

with the following constraints:

yuw >= yu,w+1
yuw >= yu-1,w
y20,0 = 100
y0,10 = 0
yu,10 = 0

I have a 20*10 ruw and 20*10 quw matrix, I now need to generate a yuw matrix which adheres to the constraints. I am coding in R and am familiar with the lpsolve, optimx and quadprog packages, but don't know how to use them for this particular question. I know that I must use the quadprog package as this is a quadratic programming question. I'm not looking for a complete answer, I am wanting some guidance as to how to structure the constraint matrix and the best way to tackle the question.


There are 1 answers

josliber On BEST ANSWER

Given the similarities of the optimization problem here to your previous question, I will borrow some language directly from my answer to that question. However they are quite a bit different (the previous problem was a linear programming problem and this is a quadratic programming problem, and the constraints differ), so they are not duplicates.

Expanding out the optimization objective we get Quw*ruw^2 - 2*Quw*ruw*yuw + Quw*yuw^2. We see that this is a quadratic function of the decision variables yuw, and thus the solve.QP method of the quadProg package can be used to solve the optimization problem.

To abstract this out a bit, let's assume R=20 and C=10 describe the dimensions of the input matrices. Then there are R*C decision variables and we can assign them order y11, y21, ... yR1, y12, y22, ... yR2, ..., y1C, y2C, ..., yRC, reading down the columns of the matrix of variables.

From ?solve.QP, we read that the objective takes the form -d'b + 0.5b'Db for decision variables b. The element of d corresponding to decision variable yuw has value 2*Quw*ruw and D is a diagonal matrix with the element corresponding to decision variable yuw taking value 2*Quw. Note that the solve.QP function requires the D matrix to be positive definite, so we require Quw > 0 for every u, w pair.

The first R*(C-1) constraints correspond to the yuw >= yu,w+1 constraints, and the next (R-1)*C constraints correspond to the yuw >= yu-1,w constraints. The next 2*R constraints correspond to the yuC = 0 constraints (which are inputted as yuC >= 0 and -yuC >= 0), and the last constraint is -yR1 >= -100 (which is logically equivalent to yR0 = 100).

We can input this model into the quadProg package with the following R commands, using random input data:

# Sample data
Quw <- matrix(runif(200), nrow=20)
ruw <- matrix(runif(200), nrow=20)
R <- nrow(Quw)
C <- ncol(Quw)

# Build constraint matrix
part1 <- matrix(0, nrow=R*(C-1), ncol=R*C)
part1[cbind(1:(R*C-R), 1:(R*C-R))] <- 1
part1[cbind(1:(R*C-R), (R+1):(R*C))] <- -1
part2 <- matrix(0, nrow=(R-1)*C, ncol=R*C)
pos2 <- as.vector(sapply(2:R, function(r) r+seq(0, R*(C-1), by=R)))
part2[cbind(1:nrow(part2), pos2)] <- 1
part2[cbind(1:nrow(part2), pos2-1)] <- -1
part3 <- matrix(0, nrow=2*R, ncol=R*C)
part3[cbind(1:R, (R*C-R+1):(R*C))] <- 1
part3[cbind((R+1):(2*R), (R*C-R+1):(R*C))] <- -1
part4 <- rep(0, R*C)
part4[R] <- -1
const.mat <- rbind(part1, part2, part3, part4)

mod <- solve.QP(Dmat = 2*diag(as.vector(Quw)),
                dvec = 2*as.vector(ruw)*as.vector(Quw),
                Amat = t(const.mat),
                bvec = c(rep(0, nrow(const.mat)-1), -100))

We can now access the model solution:

# Objective (including the constant term):
mod$value + sum(Quw*ruw^2)
# [1] 9.14478
matrix(mod$solution, nrow=R)
#            [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]      [,8]      [,9]        [,10]
#  [1,] 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.3215992 0.1818095 0.1818095 0.1818095 0.000000e+00
#  [2,] 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 0.000000e+00
#  [3,] 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 2.775558e-17
#  [4,] 0.5728478 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 0.000000e+00
#  [5,] 0.5728478 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4699046 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 0.000000e+00
#  [6,] 0.5728478 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4699046 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 0.000000e+00
#  [7,] 0.5728478 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4699046 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 0.000000e+00
#  [8,] 0.5728478 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 0.2882339 0.000000e+00
#  [9,] 0.5728478 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.2882339 1.110223e-16
# [10,] 0.5728478 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [11,] 0.6298100 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4518205 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [12,] 0.6298100 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4518205 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [13,] 0.6298100 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4518205 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [14,] 0.6298100 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4518205 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [15,] 0.6298100 0.6009718 0.5111456 0.5111456 0.4518205 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [16,] 0.6298100 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.4518205 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [17,] 0.6298100 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [18,] 0.6298100 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [19,] 0.6298100 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.4346995 0.000000e+00
# [20,] 0.6298100 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.6009718 0.5643033 0.5643033 0.5643033 0.000000e+00