I need to import excel file directly from NYSE website. The spreadsheet url is https://quotespeed.morningstar.com/exportChartDataToExcel.jsp?tickers=AAPL&symbols=126.1.AAPL&st=1980-12-1&ed=2015-6-8&f=m&dty=1&types=1&ver=1.6.0&qs_wsid=E43474CC03753FE0E777D89877788ECB . Tried using gdata package and changing https to http but still doesnt work. Does anybody know solution to such issue?
EDIT: Has to be imported to R directly from website (project requirement)
Without information about why using the
package does not work for you I have to assume. Make sure you havePerl
installed - you can download it at http://www.activestate.com/activeperlThis works for me:
perl = "path_to_perl.exe"
I got the error