I have two genotypes in my ggplot, and I want to assign them two different colours; q24 in black, q35 in green.
Here is my code:
ggplot(all,aes(x=Concentration, y=Distance, colour=Genotype))+
geom_jitter(width=0.3, height=0, show.legend=TRUE)+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
theme(axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black"),
axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black"))+
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 8, 1))+
annotate("segment", x=0.8,xend = 1.2, y= 2.86, yend = 2.86, colour="black")+
annotate("segment", x=1.8,xend = 2.2, y= 1.86, yend = 1.86, colour="black")+
annotate("segment", x=2.8,xend = 3.2, y= 1.11, yend = 1.11, colour="black")+
annotate("segment", x=0.8,xend = 1.2, y= 2.41, yend = 2.41, colour="green")+
annotate("segment", x=1.8,xend = 2.2, y= 2.16, yend = 2.16, colour="green")+
annotate("segment", x=2.8,xend = 3.2, y= 2.24, yend = 2.24, colour="green")+
ggtitle("Distance travelled by Q24YFP and Q35YFP C. elegans at different
caffeine concentrations")
My data looks like this:
Concentration Distance Genotype
0 1 Q24
0 4 Q24
0 1 Q24
5 4 Q24
5 4 Q24
10 0 Q24
10 1 Q24
5 3 Q35
5 1 Q35
10 0 Q35
10 2 Q35
How do I assign different colours to these two genotypes? Currently it prints them in two different colours, but not the ones I want.