I ran the above code to see the source code for
. And it looks like the "meat" of the function is in this line:
gbm.obj <- .Call("gbm_fit", Y = as.double(y), Offset = as.double(offset),
X = as.double(x), X.order = as.integer(x.order), weights = as.double(w),
Misc = as.double(Misc), cRows = as.integer(cRows), cCols = as.integer(cCols),
var.type = as.integer(var.type), var.monotone = as.integer(var.monotone),
distribution = as.character(,
n.trees = as.integer(n.trees), interaction.depth = as.integer(interaction.depth),
n.minobsinnode = as.integer(n.minobsinnode), n.classes = as.integer(nClass),
shrinkage = as.double(shrinkage), bag.fraction = as.double(bag.fraction),
nTrain = as.integer(nTrain), fit.old = as.double(NA), = as.integer(0), n.trees.old = as.integer(0),
verbose = as.integer(verbose), PACKAGE = "gbm")
To my knowledge, .Call
is passing an R object into C/C++ code. Am I right that there is a C/C++ function called gbm_fit
? Where exactly can I find this source code? I've tried poking around, but I can't seem the find the actual source code for the C/C++ function. I also downloaded "gbm_2.1.8.tgz" but could not find the source code.
The source for the function gbm_fit is in src/gbmentry.cpp in the file gbm-2.1.8.tar.gz (Not the tgz file; that is the macOS binary). This file can be viewed online on GitHub.