R glm.predict cannot be found

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I am not sure what to do when R tells me it can't find a package that has been installed. Any suggestions?

model1 = glm( RESPONSE ~ AGE + as.factor(SEX) + SYSBP + 
             as.factor(DIABETES) + LDLC + as.factor(BPMEDS) + 
             as.factor(CURSMOKE) + HDLC + HEARTRTE + TIME, 
             data=trVal, family=binomial(link=logit))

glm.predict has been installed successfully
Error: could not find function "glm.predict"

There are 1 answers

Thomas Reiss On

glm.predict is the package's name, not a function. What you are looking for is probably the function discrete.changes() from the glm.predict package.