I'm looking create a function to copy the data from an incoming data file to a new data frame using a data dictionary. If I could schedule the mapping using a dataframe, it would be widely reusable with just the edit of a mapping table (a table would work too)
For exmaple, The incoming file would have these headers:
Number Name Desc Col S Mat Web Cost
and I want to map them to(This dataframe has additional Columns not in the incoming dataset that won't be matched):
SKU Title Description Img Color Size Material URL Price Shipping Weight Height Width...
Using the dataframe: (blanks have no incoming field to map)
Old | New |
Number | SKU |
Name | Title |
Desc | Description |
Img | Img_URL |
Col | Color |
S | Size |
Mat | Material |
Web | URL |
Cost | Price |
Shipping | |
Weight | |
Height | |
Width | |
Length | |
Alternative_Images | |
Category |
Is there a library that does this kind of thing? If not, other suggestions will be very helpful.