R as.numberic returning wrong number

67 views Asked by At

I would like to summarize a dataframe ignoring the case. Because a column of my data frame was read in as a factor I first convert this column into a numeric. Doing this, the numbers somehow get mixed up.

My code:

    aggregated = as.data.frame(sapply(data, tolower))


   hashtags   Freq   Company
#33contest   2   @Company1
#cebu   1   @Company1
#community   1   @Company1
#cost   1   @Company1
#countries   1   @Company1
#drug   1   @Company1

when I now convert column three into a numeric the results seem to be messed up

    aggregated$Freq <-as.numeric(aggregated$Freq)

hashtags    Freq    Company
#33contest    9    @Company1
#cebu    1    @Company1
#community    1    @Company1
#cost    1    @Company1
#countries    1    @Company1
#drug    1    @Company1

What can I do about this?


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