I've setup my pom.xml
to use Qulice:
I've added some initial files and ran mvn clean install
, then Qulice complains:
[INFO] Checkstyle: src/main/java/hk/com/novare/App.java[0]: Missing package-info.java file. (JavadocPackageCheck)
[INFO] Checkstyle: src/main/java/hk/com/novare/App.java[2]: Line does not match expected header line of ' */'. (HeaderCheck)
[INFO] Checkstyle: src/main/java/hk/com/novare/App.java[28]: Missing '@since' tag in class/interface comment (JavadocTagsCheck)
There is a way to exclude certain files from Qulice, as documented here, but is there a way to exclude a certain rule from the entire project, such as Checkstyle's JavadocPackageCheck rule ?
According to https://github.com/teamed/qulice/issues/507#issuecomment-162519518 As of
Dec 7, 2015
It's apparently a 'feature' of qulice the inability to further customize the best practices they ship, and they do not provide a way to disable rules barring the inherent annotations shipped with each of the tools that it comprises.Their recommendation would likely to be to use the individual tools yourself, with your own configuration if you wish to.