Quicklisp's file setup.lisp does not load correctly

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Hi all and thank you for reading my issue.

I can't load quicklisp's file setup.lisp from the lisp console.

It throws the following error:

Error loading C:/quicklisp/setup.lisp at line 134 (offset 5035) THREAD "main" {1DD02175}: Debugger invoked on condition of type PROGRAM-ERROR Wrong number of arguments for SPECIAL-OPERATOR THROW; 2 expected.

I'm loading it using ABCL (Armed Bear Common Lisp) from eclipse, just as the ABCL user's manual says.

For example, Quicklisp ([Bea]) may be completely installed from the REPL as the single form: CL-USER > (load "http://beta.quicklisp.org/quicklisp.lisp") will load and execute the Quicklisp setup code.

The next step is to run (quicklisp-quickstart:install) , that works fine until it loads the setup.lisp file.

When I restart the app, I do the same and it tells me that quicklisp it's already installed and I need to load the setup.lisp file, but throws the same error as I posted before.


There are 1 answers

easyE On

As an optimization to loading Quicklisp, abcl attempts to compile the quicklisp/setup.lisp source artifact. If this gets out of sync, and the provided restart doesn't handle it, the user may manually clear the situation with:

rm ~/quicklisp/setup.abcl

TODO: offer a better interactive restart to recompile the fasl