Quick Build impossible in TeXmaker : pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex

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I (try to) make my first steps with LaTeX in order to write my internship's report. I thus downloaded TeXmaker and MikTeX and tried to compile my first document.

However, when I try to click on "Run" after having selected "Quick Bild", I got the following error message: "Error : could not start the command : pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "test".tex"


I browsed the web in search of a solution but could not find something relevant to my case. Indeed, some forums suggest that the problem is due to the fact that the user did not install a compiler. However, as said above I successfully installed MikTeX, so I do not understand...

I tried to uninstall both TeXmaker several times, but it did not solve the problem.

I also tried to uninstall MikTeX, but it does not seem totally possible. Indeed, when I want to finish the setup and select the first option (Finish private setup), I get an error message: "The requested package is unknown."

MikteX problem

When I select the second option (Restart as administrator...), I get the following error message: "Administrator mode startup refused because this is not a shared MiKTeX setup."

Could you please help me? I have no clue about what I am supposed to do...




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