I'm trying to build a wrapper for a C library. and it has some strange syntax with question marks that I've never seen before:
cvLoadImage :: Capture -> IO CImage
cvLoadImage capture = do
(Just imageRGB) <- getFrame capture
let imageD32 = rgbToGray imageRGB
let (CArray (nx0, ny0) (nx1, ny1) numElem values) = copyImageToFCArray imageD32
pixelVals <- (withForeignPtr values) (peekArray numElem)
let pixelVals' = map (fromIntegral . truncate . (*255)) pixelVals
ptr <-( mallocArray (numElem) ::IO (Ptr Word8))
pokeArray ptr pixelVals'
return CImage (? ? ? pixelVals' ? ? ? ?) -- this is the line I'm confounded by
It's causing a syntax error when I compile:
src/System/FlyCap.hs:185:21: parse error on input ‘?’
Looking up "?" on Hoogle finds something about 'implicit parameters' but that doesn't seem to be related. I tried replacing the mysterious question marks with type holes:
return CImage (_ _ _ pixelVals' _ _ _ _)
That gave me a much bigger error:
Couldn't match type ‘IO CImage’
with ‘CUInt
-> CUInt
-> CUInt
-> Ptr CUChar
-> CUInt
-> CInt
-> CInt
-> Ptr ()
-> CImage’
Expected type: t6 -> IO CImage
Actual type: t6
-> CUInt
-> CUInt
-> CUInt
-> Ptr CUChar
-> CUInt
-> CInt
-> CInt
-> Ptr ()
-> CImage
The function ‘return’ is applied to two arguments,
but its type ‘(CUInt
-> CUInt
-> CUInt
-> Ptr CUChar
-> CUInt
-> CInt
-> CInt
-> Ptr ()
-> CImage)
-> t6
-> CUInt
-> CUInt
-> CUInt
-> Ptr CUChar
-> CUInt
-> CInt
-> CInt
-> Ptr ()
-> CImage’
has only 10
In a stmt of a 'do' block: return CImage (_ _ _ pixelVals' _ _ _ _)
In the expression:
do { (Just imageRGB) <- getFrame capture;
let imageD32 = rgbToGray imageRGB;
let (CArray (nx0, ny0) (nx1, ny1) numElem values)
= copyImageToFCArray imageD32;
pixelVals <- (withForeignPtr values) (peekArray numElem);
.... }
I'm really not sure of how to proceed. Any tips?
UPDATE: I found the original repo, which seems to have fixed this, but I still wonder what the question marks are?
is not a syntax, its a valid operator in haskell. But here its just a "some magic here" thing.The authors, as marked above, just forgot to replace it with some expression involving the
. Most probably, it should be the construction ofCImage
parameter(s?) out of that pixel values.Ghc's parser will give
parse error
on any two sequental tokens made of operator symbols (except for-
) - because of that it failed after the second question mark.