I´v got these two methods that fetches the contents of the iPod library for me. I am still not proficient with the use of these classes. For example now I will get the podcast title of all the podcast in the library, but if I want to set up predicate and query to get the individual podcasts for the author/podcast title how would I do that.
/* Delegate
* Set which media type to get */
- (MPMediaPropertyPredicate *)mediaTypeToFetchFromiPodLibrary: (AbstractTVC *) sender;
MPMediaPropertyPredicate *abPredicate =
[MPMediaPropertyPredicate predicateWithValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:MPMediaTypePodcast]
return abPredicate;
/* Overriden abstract method from subclass
* */
- (MPMediaQuery *)setMediaQueryOptions: (MPMediaQuery*)abQuery
withPredicate: (MPMediaPropertyPredicate*) abPredicate
[abQuery addFilterPredicate:abPredicate];
//[abQuery setGroupingType:MPMediaGroupingAlbum];
[abQuery setGroupingType:MPMediaGroupingPodcastTitle];
return abQuery;