I have an ontology (say dgo.owl) and another file containing individuals for same ontology stored in rdf format. I have stored both (ontology and instances/individual file) files in TDB under different named models (say dgo_ont and homedata).
Now, I want to fire different SPARQL queries on a combination of these created models. So the question is do I need to create one more model in TDB which will contain the triples of existing two named models or there is a mechanism in Jena such that I do not need to combine two existing named models and still I will get results. Till now, I tried with the following code:
1 static Dataset dataset;
2 static Model model;
3 public static void main(String[] args)
4 {
5 dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset("TDB_database/");
6 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ);
7 try{
8 model=dataset.getNamedModel("dgo_ont").add(dataset.getNamedModel("homedata"));
9 String qr= SELECT * Where { ?s ?p ?o}; //for illustration
10 Query qy = QueryFactory.create(qr);
11 QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(qy,model);
12 ResultSet rs= qe.execSelect();
13 ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, rs, qy) ;
14 qe.close();
15 }
16 finally{
17 model.close();
18 dataset.end();
19 }
The output obtained on running this program is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ac.iiitd.sparql.SparqlQuery.main(SparqlQuery.java:56)
In the main program line # 56 corresponds to the line # 17 of above script. But, I suspect line # 8 to be the root cause. This is because whenever I change this line to below code I used to get desired output.
So the whole problem is how to query the combination of named models in a given dataset.
You can make the default graph the union of the named graphs:
or a subset of the graphs (efficiency issues at very large scale):