Query Drupal 8 content types with expression

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In short, I need to do an entity query while running an expression. I can't find any way to accomplish this. I'm assuming there should be two ways.

  1. An entity query with an expression - When I try this I can't get any expressions to work
  2. a raw DB query, but I'm not familiar with how to join all the fields related to the content type of nodes I need.

Here is a shorthand example of what I need to accomplish

X = content type
y = field on x content type
z = field on x content type
My expression below is just an example, but need to run this in the database query

- Select y and z from x
- if x > y return node id

Any help would be great. This is going to run on a very large dataset, trying to find the fastest way to do the query in the database.


There are 1 answers

Kien Nguyen On

Comparing two fields is not possible using the entity query.

To do this, you may need to use the more low level Dynamic Queries and its where method:

$query = \Drupal::database()->select('node_field_data', 'n');
$query->condition('n.type', 'x');                               // to get content type x
$query->innerJoin('node__field_y', 'y', 'y.entity_id = n.nid'); // join with field y
$query->innerJoin('node__field_z', 'z', 'z.entity_id = n.nid'); // join with field z
$query->where('z.field_z_value > y.field_y_value');             // your condition
$query->addField('n', 'nid');                                   // get node id in result
$results = $query->execute()->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0);