Quarkus extension with resteasy reactive client

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I am writing a Quarkus extension that servers some endpoints. ı am using quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jsonb for my endpoints. But registering endpoints like regular beans is not working, yes I can inject the endpoint class and call the methods but calling the endpoint from postman, curl etc is not working and returning 404. I believe I need to change registration of my endpoints but how. current registration is ike this:

    void registerBeans(BuildProducer<AdditionalBeanBuildItem> beans) {

following this document is working: https://quarkus.io/guides/building-my-first-extension

but I do not want to use servlets

edit: This is TestController.

public class TestController {  
    public Response doGet() {
        return Response.ok().entity("OK").build();

There are 3 answers

Sebastian Daschner On BEST ANSWER

You need to make sure that your dependencies in your Quarkus extension project match the used Quarkus extensions.

I've created a small demo that should do a similar thing that you're doing, here: https://github.com/sdaschner/blink-extension/tree/resteasy

AdditionalBeanBuildItem createTestResource() {
    return new AdditionalBeanBuildItem(TestResource.class);

In the deployment project:


(for you this might be quarkus-resteasy-reactive-deployment)

In the runtime project:


Also usually Quarkus tells you when there are some unsatisfied dependencies, when you're trying to mvn clean install your extension project.

Herr Derb On

I did struggle with this too.

The solution was to add the controller as AdditionalBeanBuildItem AND AdditionalIndexedClassesBuildItem

This way, the controller is registered as expected and is reachable.

public void addController(
        BuildProducer<AdditionalBeanBuildItem> additionalBeans,
        BuildProducer<AdditionalIndexedClassesBuildItem> additionalIndexedClasses) {
    additionalIndexedClasses.produce(new AdditionalIndexedClassesBuildItem(MyController.class.getName()));
Dyutiman Chaudhuri On

The above solution works with 'quarkus-resteasy' artifactId, but not with 'quarkus-resteasy-reactive' or 'quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jackson'.

To make it work with other reasteasy artifacts we need to introduce 'AdditionalResourceClassBuildItem'.

First of all the artifact in pom.xml under deployment should have *-deployment (quarkus-resteasy-reactive-deployment or quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jackson-deployment).

Then a new BuildStep needs to be added as follow:

void registerRestResource(CombinedIndexBuildItem index,
              BuildProducer<AdditionalResourceClassBuildItem> additionalResourceClassProducer) {
    DotName path = DotName.createSimple(Path.class.getName());
    for (AnnotationInstance restController : index.getIndex().getAnnotations(path)) {
        AnnotationTarget annotTarget  = restController.target();
        if(AnnotationTarget.Kind.CLASS.equals(annotTarget.kind())) {
            ClassInfo targetClass = restController.target().asClass();
            String singlePath = restController.value("value").value().toString();
            additionalResourceClassProducer.produce(new AdditionalResourceClassBuildItem(targetClass, singlePath));

And the jandex-maven-plugin needs to be added in the pom.xml of runtime module of the extension.
