Quanstrat strategy - error

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My quanstrat strategy returns an error which I didnt find being discussed yet.

Strategy is very simple: calculate rolling sum over given period of time. If the rolling sum is over some threshold, enter long and submit siultanesouly two oco orders, take-profit and stop loss in the distance of +/- 5%.

The code is:

from <- "2014-09-25"
to <- "2014-10-01"


.blotter <- new.env()
.strategy <- new.env()

initDate <- as.character(as.Date(from) - 1)
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC")   
symbols <- "data"
stock(symbols, currency = "USD", multiplier = 1)  # Initialisation of the instrument
tradeSize <- 1                                    # Initialisation of trade size
initEq <- 1000                                    # Initialisation of initial equity

strategy.st <- "btc"                              # Initialisation of the strategy
portfolio.st <- "btc"                             # Initialisation of the strategy, must be after strategy
account.st <- "btc"                               # Initialisation of the strategy, must be after strategy and portolio

initPortf(portfolio.st, symbols=symbols, initDate=initDate, currency='USD')
initAcct(account.st, portfolios=portfolio.st, initDate=initDate, currency='USD',initEq=initEq)
initOrders(portfolio.st, initDate=initDate)
strategy(strategy.st, store=TRUE)  

### Parametres
lookBackVol <- 5
thresholdVol <- 20
stopLoss <- -0.05
profitTarget <- 0.05

### Indicators
add.indicator(strategy.st, name = "runSum", arguments = list(x = quote(data$ask.vol), n = lookBackVol), label = "volRunSum")

### Signals
add.signal(strategy.st, name = "sigThreshold", arguments = list(column = "volRunSum", threshold = thresholdVol, relationship = "gte", cross = TRUE), label = "longSig")

### Rules
add.rule(strategy = strategy.st, name = "ruleSignal",
         arguments = list(sigcol = "longSig", sigval = 1,
                          orderqty = tradeSize,
                          ordertype = "market",
                          orderside = "long",
                          replace = FALSE,
                          orderset = "ocolong"
         type = "enter",
         label = "enterLong"

add.rule(strategy.st, name = "ruleSignal",
         arguments = list(sigcol = "longSig", sigval = 1,
                          orderqty = "all",
                          ordertype = "stoplimit",
                          orderside = "long",
                          replace = FALSE,
                          tmult = TRUE,
                          threshold = stopLoss,
                          orderset = "ocolong"
         type = "chain",
         parent = "enterLong",
         label = "stopLossLong",

add.rule(portfolio.st, name = "ruleSignal",
         arguments = list(sigcol = "longSig", sigval = 1,
                          orderqty = "all",
                          ordertype = "limit",
                          orderside = "long",
                          replace = FALSE,
                          tmult = TRUE,
                          threshold = profitTarget,
                          orderset = "ocolong"
         type = "chain",
         parent = "enterLong",
         label = "profitTargetLong",

 ### Results
results <- applyStrategy(strategy.st, portfolio.st)

Data structure is as follows:

> dput(head(data))
structure(c(0, 0.0423759, 0.0299792, 0, 0, 0, 0.0722401, 0.0430572, 
0.1648549, 2.9369966, 0, 0, 0.0722401, 0.0854331, 0.1948341, 
2.9369966, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 0, 0, 1, 3, 5, 
9, 0, 0, NA, 408.11, 408.106, 408.106, 408.106, 408.106, 408.11, 
408.111, 408.112, 407.5, 407.5, 407.5, 408.11, 408.111, 408.112, 
407.5, 407.5, 407.5), class = c("xts", "zoo"), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), .indexTZ = structure("UTC", .Names = "TZ"), tclass = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = structure("UTC", .Names = "TZ"), index = structure(c(1411596001, 
1411596002, 1411596003, 1411596004, 1411596005, 1411596006), tzone = structure("UTC", .Names = "TZ"), tclass = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt")), .Dim = c(6L, 9L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("bid.vol", 
"ask.vol", "vol", "bid.freq", "ask.freq", "freq", "bid.price", 
"ask.price", "price")))

It is an xts object showing bid/ask volume/frekvency of trades in one second and the mentioned error says:

[1] "2014-09-24 22:00:17 data 1 @ 407"
Error in dindexOrderProc(openOrderSubset[i, ], mktPrices, curIndex) : 
  no price discernable for limit in applyRules

There doesnt seem to be a problem with order-chain as orderbook contains all three orders with correct prices:

                    Order.Qty Order.Price Order.Type  Order.Side Order.Threshold Order.Status Order.StatusTime      Prefer Order.Set Txn.Fees
2014-09-24 22:00:16 "1"       "407"       "market"    "long"     NA              "closed"     "2014-09-24 22:00:17" "ask"  "ocolong" "0"     
2014-09-24 22:00:17 "all"     "386.65"    "stoplimit" "long"     "-20.35"        "open"       NA                    ""     "ocolong" "0"     
2014-09-24 22:00:17 "all"     "427.35"    "limit"     "long"     "20.35"         "open"       NA                    ""     "ocolong" "0"  

Any ideas?

I somewhere found specifying the limit order price like:


but it didn't work out.


There are 2 answers

Steef Gregor On BEST ANSWER

Removing some columns from mktdata and moving the price column to the very left solved the issue.

GeV 126 On

I had the same issue, i found out that i had some N/A's in my "Ask" column.

removing the N/A's fixed the issue na.locf()