I am rendering a sofa using r71 but the texture quality is not proper. If I render it through r58 then it looks really good. It is a bug or what?? Below are the images, first one is rendered via r58 and second one via r71.
Quality not proper while rendering it via threejs r71
169 views Asked by Tarun At
Coming from r58 a lot of things has changed, for you especially how they calculate gamma and hardwireing the ambient term to the diffuse color. The main difference I see is your model appears darker.
To make the model appear brighter you could set the materials color to white:
material.color.setHex( 0xFFFFFF );
.If this is still not bright enough I discovered a little Hack by setting the HSL Lighting value to something > 1.
material.color.setHSL( 0, 0, 6 );
Without providing the code on how you create your material its only a shot in the dark.