QTile set position for window

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My problem is that I want to have a specific wm_class spawn at a specific X and Y position on my screen every time it opens (Floating window).

I read the documentation, but couldn't figure out a way. I was trying to use the method:


There are 2 answers

Nikmosi On

Set position:

def new_clinet(client):
    if "pavucontrol" in client.get_wm_class():

prevent reposition to center by no_reposition_rules:

floating_layout = layout.Floating(

if u add match for pavucontrol in float_rules then qtile will resize the window when it appears

robabo On

I managed to do this in qtile the same way I did it in dwm. I placed ncmpcpp where I wanted on the screen by doing the following. Ncmpcpp runs in the terminal and my terminal is 'st'. So, I put this key binding in my config to spawn ncmpcpp:

Key([mod], "n", lazy.spawn("st -c float-term -g 100x25+550+300 ncmpcpp")),

I believe the 'c' flag allows you to choose a name for a new wm_class. I chose 'float-term' as the class name. The 'g' flag allows you to set the geometry that you want. Then, I added the new wm_class name to the float_rules list in my config.py:

floating_layout = layout.Floating(float_rules=[
    # Run the utility of `xprop` to see the wm class and name of an X client.
    Match(wm_class='confirmreset'),  # gitk
    Match(wm_class='makebranch'),  # gitk
    Match(wm_class='maketag'),  # gitk
    Match(wm_class='ssh-askpass'),  # ssh-askpass
    Match(title='branchdialog'),  # gitk
    Match(title='pinentry'),  # GPG key password entry
    Match(wm_class='bomi'), #bomi player
    Match(wm_class='brave-browser-beta'), #brave browser
    Match(wm_class='gsimplecal'), #gsimplecal
    Match(wm_class='float-term'), #ncmpcpp

This method allowed me to spawn st any place on the screen. I have not tried this with any program other than st running ncmpcpp yet, but I'm pretty sure it would work.