I have a buttongroup defined with two radiobuttons
buttonGroupFFTDimension = new QButtonGroup(this);
buttonGroupFFTDimension->addButton(ui->radioButton1D, 1);
buttonGroupFFTDimension->addButton(ui->radioButton2D, 2);
The connect also compiles
connect(this->buttonGroupFFTDimension, static_cast<void(QButtonGroup::*)(int)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked),
this, &MainWindow::on_buttonGroupFFTDimension_buttonClicked);
but it throws and error at runtime
QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_buttonGroupFFTDimension_buttonClicked(int)
I admit that I am not familiar with the new connect syntax, but also do not see the obvious error. What is wrong?
The message shown is because you are using Qt Designer and it uses the
method to connect various elements, it recognizes the formaton_somesender_somesignal
, and in your case matches your slot.connect
function, this will automatically do it. Also I think that the slot does not have as parameter the type int that requires.In your case the slot should be as follows:
make clean