Qt Opengl How to change quternion rotation point?

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I'm trying to implement a rotaion around a point. The problem is: the rotation point doesn't change when I pan a camera. I've already found some useful info about changing the rotation point by converting Quaternion to a rotation matrix and multiply with transformation matrices like T(x, y,z) * R(q) * T(-x, -y, -z), but i don't use any of them. All transformations performed on a single QMatrix4x4 using rotate and lookAt methods. Are there any other solutions available?

Here's my camera class:

class PlyViewportCamera:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__projectionMatrix = QMatrix4x4()
        self.__viewMatrix = QMatrix4x4()

        self.__clipRange = (0.1, 1000.0)
        self.__fov = 45

        self.__camEye = QVector3D(0.0, 5.0, -10.0)
        self.__camTarget = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        self.__camUp = QVector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        self.__viewRotation = QQuaternion()
        self.__xRotation = QQuaternion()
        self.__yRotation = QQuaternion()

    def __rotateX(self, rotation: QQuaternion):
        self.__xRotation = rotation * self.__xRotation
        self.__viewRotation = self.__xRotation * self.__yRotation

    def __rotateY(self, rotation: QQuaternion):
        self.__yRotation = rotation * self.__yRotation
        self.__viewRotation = self.__xRotation * self.__yRotation

    def rotate(self, p_start: QVector2D, p_end: QVector2D):
        prev_rotation = self.__viewRotation
        div_factor = 10
        diff = p_end - p_start
        angle_x = diff.y() / div_factor
        angle_y = diff.x() / div_factor
        self.__rotateX(QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, angle_x))
        self.__rotateY(QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, angle_y))
        self.__viewRotation = QQuaternion.slerp(prev_rotation, self.__viewRotation, 0.6)

    def pan(self, start: QVector2D, end:QVector2D):
        delta = end - start
        transform = QVector3D(delta.x() / 50, delta.y() / 50, 0.0)
        self.__camEye += transform
        self.__camTarget += transform

    def updateCamera(self):
        self.__viewMatrix.lookAt(self.__camEye, self.__camTarget, self.__camUp)

    def setProjection(self, w: int, h: int):
        aspect_ratio = w / h
        self.__projectionMatrix.perspective(self.__fov, aspect_ratio, *self.__clipRange)

    def projectionMatrix(self):
        return self.__projectionMatrix

    def viewMatrix(self):
        return self.__viewMatrix

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