QT ComboBox is drawn in a wrong place

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QT 5.6.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 I have a very simple ComboBox

import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
        Item{width: 0.02 * root.width;  height: 1}//space
        spacing: 0.02 * root.width

        ComboBox{//Recording type
            id: typeCombo
            anchors.bottom: parent

            currentIndex: 2
            model: ["TOWING", "PRE_FLIGHT_CHECKS", "FLIGHT"]
            width: 0.4 * root.width;  height: 0.15 * root.height

            id: rectangle

            width: 0.5 * root.width;  height: 0.15 * root.height
            border{color: 'gray'; width: 0.1 * rectangle.height}
            radius: 0.18 * rectangle.height
            clip: true

            onEnabledChanged:  if(!enabled)  textInput.text = ''
            opacity: enabled? 1: 0.3
            visible: ddsObject.isRecorderStation

                id: textInput
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                font.pixelSize: 0.6 * rectangle.height
                maximumLength: 100

                anchors.fill: parent
                onPressed:  parent.border.color = 'magenta'
                onReleased: parent.border.color = 'gray'
                onCanceled:{parent.border.color = 'gray';  execute()}
                onClicked:  execute()
                function execute(){textInput.forceActiveFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason)}

However, when clicked it is drawn at the bottom right corner of the application window. Also there is this message from the framework:

QmlViewGadgetWidget(0x563561aa31e0) must be a top level window

Any ideas how to fix it? I would expect the pull down menu to be drawn right below the ComboBox element.

Could be related to this question. However, the answer said that the issue was fixed long time ago.


There are 1 answers

xeco On

You need to anchor ComboBox to your root component. You can achieve this by setting the property anchors.centerIn: root