Qt application failed in Wayland ivi-shell

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I want to launch a Qt application in Wayland ivi-shell.

I tried

QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION=ivi-shell ./hello-qt-quick2 -platform wayland

Expect the Qt application could launch in Wayland ivi-shell.

But failed with the following message

Failed to load shell integration ivi-shell

Anybody knows what to do with it? Thanks so much!


There are 2 answers

user2791562 On

I got some worked thing on Raspberry Pi 3 like this:

  1. Set environment variable

    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$HOME/.xdg

  2. Run Qt5WaylandCompositor

    $ QT_WAYLAND_CLIENT_BUFFER_INTEGRATION=brcm ./ivi-compositor &

  3. Run Qt5 client application

    $ QT_WAYLAND_SHELL_INTEGRATION=ivi-shell ./untitled2 -platform wayland

bobbaluba On

That output is usually what you get when you try to run on a compositor that doesn't support the ivi_application extension.

If you run the application with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 set in the environment, there should be a line similar to this:

[3318761.478] [email protected](19, "ivi_application", 1)

and one that binds to that interface:

[3318761.541]  -> [email protected](19, "ivi_application", 1, new id [unknown]@29)

If it's not there, then your compositor doesn't support the ivi-shell shell integration.