Qt adding non-menubar keyboard shortcut to QMainWindow

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I have a custom widget that extends QMainWindow. There I am adding a number of QActions to the menu bar, along with keyboard shortcuts for each, and they work fine. Now I want to remove some of those actions from the menubar, but I want to keep the shortcuts enabled (the user can know about the availability of the shortcuts from a Help dialog). So first I decided that I will make the actions invisible.

That did not work, so I guess the action cannot be invisible if the shortcuts have to work. So I added it to the main window, still they are not working. Any idea, how do I make it work? Here is my code. Whatever needs to happen is there in the method someMethod.

class MyWidget: public QMainWindow {


MyWidget::MyWidget() {
    QAction *myAct = new QAction(tr("&Some Text"), this);
    myAct->setVisible(false); //adding this does not work
    connect(myAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(someMethod()));


    QMenu *someMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Some Menu"));
    someMenu->addAction(myAct); //this works, the option shows up in the menu 'Some Menu' and the shortcut works
    this->addAction(myAct); //does not work


There are 2 answers

Nejat On

You can use QShortcut and pass the key, the target widget and the relevant slot as parameters to it's constructor. Just put this in the constructor of MyWidget :

QShortcut * shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Right),this,SLOT(someMethod()));
Ali Mofrad On

I tested this code and it's working fine :

QAction* myAct = new QAction(this);
connect(myAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(someMethod()));

Do not add QAction to your menuBar.