QNX's shutdown_system is not function well when ZMQ lib is used

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When QNX's shutdown_system() is called from command line (shutdown) or from within any process, it's expected to restart the system,
when called as shutdown_system(SHUTDOWN_REBOOT, 0);

There are several processes running on our QNX system. For interproces communication we are using libzmq.

When shutdown_system is called from command line, it is working all good. The system is restarted as expected.

But when the shutdown_system is called from a particular process ( when libzmq calls are enabled ) what is observed is that the process from which shutdown_system is called is killed and the QNX system goes off network. But all other processes are running well on QNX system.

I commented all zmq's related calls and rerun the system, this time shutdown_system when called from within a process restarts the system as expected.

Something in ZeroMQ is stopping the SIGTERM | SIGKILL to other process and also stopping the restart of the system. I tried disconnecting the ZeroMQ connection before issuing the system_shutdown in process, but it did not help.


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