qml button not firing, same with MouseArea

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Ive created a new QML project based on Qt 5.9.3. I setup a simple ApplicationWindow with a Button as well as my own button (MyButton) and I never get the onClicked() event to fire (apparently) for either of them. My application window pops up with 2 buttons showing. Clicking on either of them shows nothing in my console output.

Im also pre-compiling my qml source files in the .pro file if that even matters. I get some Font errors on startup which I fix in the C++ to get some fonts going so I can see something, other than that there are no errors or warnings. Ive spent a couple hours just trying to get a simple mouse click event through with no luck.

Any help is appreciated.

Here's my main.qml:

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: "App Title"
    color: "white"

    Button {
        text: "Button"
        onClicked: {
    MyButton {
        anchors.right: parent.right
        anchors.top: parent.top
        onClicked: {
            console.log("my button clicked")

and MyButton.qml

import QtQuick 2.7

Rectangle {
    id: button
    width: 100
    height: 50
    color: "yellow"

    signal clicked()

    MouseArea {
        id: mouseArea
        anchors.fill: button
        visible: false
        enabled: true
        onClicked: {
            console.log("my button mouse clicked")

UPDATE: I did a very stupid thing. in my main.cpp file which I did not include I thought I would be cleaner and move my QQmlEngine init code into its own separate method. Of course when the engine reference went out of scope it caused my issue. I didn't look there because I wrongly assumed that the qml code wouldn't work at all if something were wrong there. Sorry to get back on this so late, its been a very busy week and sorry for wasting bandwidth. Thank you for the great debugging suggestions as well for future reference!


There are 1 answers

derM - not here for BOT dreams On

I don't know about your problem with the Button from QtQuick.Controls 2.0 - it works perfectly for me.

With your own implementation of the MyButton, that does not work for me either.

The reason is that visible: false will deactivate the MouseArea (and all the children of it) - setting enabled: true won't change that.
Setting visible: false is unnecessary anyway, as a MouseArea has nothing to render - being effictively invisible.

Once you have changed that, you should get a warning:

Error: Insufficient arguments

as you call the signal clicked of the MouseArea which requires an argument (MouseEvent). To call your self-defined signal, call button.clicked() instead.R

If you still don't get anyting, you will need to take further debugging steps.

  1. Check whether you can generate any output using console.log for example by adding Component.onComplete: console.log("Output works") to one of your objects.

  2. Check whether your input is really broken, by changing the color of the Rectangle when the MouseArea is clicked: color: (mouseArea.pressed ? 'red' : 'green')

  3. Install an eventFilter to your QGuiApplication (in C++) that will print something, if an MouseEvent is registered.