If the used library provides pkgconfig .pc file, you can use link_pkgconfig in your .pro file as:
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += quazip
If the library provides a command line utility to get the compiler flags (like
postgresql does), then you can call it and assign add output to the corresponding variabla
INCLUDEPATH += $$system(pg_config --includedir)
If the library itself was written in Qt as well, unlikely, but possible that it provides a Qt module, like qwt does for instance. In this case you can just add to your .pro file:
If the used library provides pkgconfig .pc file, you can use link_pkgconfig in your .pro file as:
If the library provides a command line utility to get the compiler flags (like postgresql does), then you can call it and assign add output to the corresponding variabla
If the library itself was written in Qt as well, unlikely, but possible that it provides a Qt module, like qwt does for instance. In this case you can just add to your .pro file: