I'm using QLThumbnailGenerator to render thumbnails of USDZ files,
I'm curious as to what decides the roll/pitch/yaw angles of the rendered image?
The position of the render is maybe 30 degrees (up Z), and 30 degrees (around Y), looking down into the center (0,0,0).
I could understand if the image was rendered through the Z-Plane, but it isn't
Is there any way of know why it does this, or is there a way to control this?
func generate(url: URL, target: URL) {
let request = QLThumbnailGenerator.Request(fileAt: url, size: .init(width: 300, height: 300), scale: NSScreen.main!.backingScaleFactor, representationTypes: .all)
let gen = QLThumbnailGenerator.shared
gen.generateBestRepresentation(for: request) { (rep, err) in
let saved = rep?.nsImage.pngWrite(to: target)