I have a custom header QProduitCartoHeaderView
defined in a class inheriting from QHeaderView
In my header I have a checkbox used to check/uncheck all the checkboxes in the same column for all rows of data.
Currently when I click anywhere in the header cell of the first column (the one with checkbox), It checks the header checkbox.
What I would like to do is to only check the checkbox when I click exactly on it and if I click outside (but still within the cell) to sort the first column.
I have tried to resize the checkbox rectangle (as seen in QProduitCartoHeaderView::paintSection()
in the snippet below) but when I click anywhere in the cell (not on the checkbox), I still get it checked.
Note: I already managed to make the code to sort and to check. What I cannot do is to check whether I click on the checkbox or outside the checkbox within the cell.
Here is a snippet of my custom header:
- QProduitCartoHeaderView.h
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QMessageBox>
class QProduitCartoHeaderView :public QHeaderView
QProduitCartoHeaderView(QWidget * parent = 0);
void on_sectionClicked(int logicalIndex);
bool all_first_columns_checked(int logicalIndex = 0);
bool all_first_columns_unchecked(int logicalIndex=0);
void setIsOn(bool val);
void setPasTousLesMeme(bool val);
virtual void paintSection(QPainter* poPainter, const QRect & oRect, int index) const;
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
bool isOn = false, pasTousLesMeme = false;
void dataModifiedSig();
- QProduitCartoHeaderView.cpp (only useful code to avoid long post)
#include "QProduitCartoHeaderView.h"
#include "QProduitCartoDataModel.h"
QProduitCartoHeaderView::QProduitCartoHeaderView(QWidget* parent) : QHeaderView(Qt::Horizontal, parent)
void QProduitCartoHeaderView::setIsOn(bool val)
isOn = val;
void QProduitCartoHeaderView::setPasTousLesMeme(bool val)
//set if all checkboxes have different value or not
pasTousLesMeme = val;
void QProduitCartoHeaderView::paintSection(QPainter* poPainter, const QRect & oRect, int index) const
QHeaderView::paintSection(poPainter, oRect, index);
QStyleOptionButton option;
QRect checkbox_rect = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_CheckBoxIndicator, &option);
// pour la colonne 1
if (index == 0)
qDebug() << checkbox_rect << " -- " << oRect;
// position
option.state = QStyle::State_Enabled | QStyle::State_Active;
option.rect = checkbox_rect;
QHeaderView::paintSection(poPainter, checkbox_rect, index);
if (isOn)
// on a tout coché
option.state |= QStyle::State_On;
{ // traite pas tout coché
// on rajoute le troisième état (third state)
// quand on n'a pas tout coché mais pas tout décoché non plus
if ( pasTousLesMeme )
option.state |= QStyle::State_NoChange;
// et si on a tout décoché, on décoche (isOn = false et pasTouslesMemes=false)
option.state |= QStyle::State_Off;
// on redessine alors la checkbox
this->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorCheckBox, &option, poPainter);
void QProduitCartoHeaderView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
bool QProduitCartoHeaderView::all_first_columns_checked(int logicalIndex)
//code to check if all first colum is checked
bool QProduitCartoHeaderView::all_first_columns_unchecked(int logicalIndex)
//code to check if all first colum is unchecked
void QProduitCartoHeaderView::on_sectionClicked(int logicalIndex)
// code pour le click du header contenant les checkboxes
QProduitCartoDataModel* the_Model = (QProduitCartoDataModel*) this->model();
if (logicalIndex == 0)
// on update l'état du checkbox principale (si isOn = true, la checkbox est cochée)
if (isOn)
// si elle est cochée, on la met à false (pour flip/flop)
isOn = false;
// mais si tout est décoché, alors, on met la checkbox à false
if (all_first_columns_unchecked(logicalIndex))
isOn = true;
isOn = true;
if (all_first_columns_checked(logicalIndex))
isOn = false;
// fin update
int nbRow = this->model()->rowCount();
// on met tout à false si la majorité est à true
int nbTrue = 0;
if (all_first_columns_checked(logicalIndex))
for (int r = 0; r < nbRow; r++)
QModelIndex index = this->model()->index(r, logicalIndex);
the_Model->setData(index, false, Qt::CheckStateRole);
// on efface d'abord tout
for (int r = 0; r < nbRow; r++)
QModelIndex index = this->model()->index(r, logicalIndex);
bool checked = this->model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toBool();
if (checked)
the_Model->setData(index, false, Qt::CheckStateRole);
// Ensuite, on fait le flip/flop
for (int r = 0; r < nbRow; r++)
QModelIndex index = this->model()->index(r, logicalIndex);
// update each row of real data
the_Model->setData(index, true, Qt::CheckStateRole);
emit dataModifiedSig();
You can track the mouse and reimplement
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
andmouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
to determine where the section was clicked. I created an example below:myheaderview.h