i have a weird problem since i'm using an async mysql driver with Python3.9. I often get this error:
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <ClientEventTask state=pending event=on_message coro=<bound method OnMessage.on_message of <cogs.on_message.OnMessage object at 0x7fcb96f50700>>>
and I can't find many information about this error in google, the only things I found couldn't help me. So this error occurs at absolutely random times, so I can't exactly reproduce it. But if it occurs, I can directly see it, because he doesn't answer/count/whatever-he-should to a "message."
So a small explanation of what the "on_message" task does is "do something" if a message gets posted by a user. So depending on the number of users and the activity, it can be triggered very often or very rarely. I saw that this error comes most times on bot stop/start-up, but in my case, it occurs sometimes while the bot is running normally. And I don't know what this error exactly means, how can I fix it or why it occurs. I thought maybe is my code for this task too long, but that would not make any sense to me. So that's my code for this "task":
async def on_message(self, message):
if message.author.bot:
if message.type != discord.MessageType.default:
if isinstance(message.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel):
prefixes = ["!", "?", "=", ".", ",", "@", "#", "/", '§', "$", "%", "&", ":?", "*", "<", ">", "-", "bday"]
for prefix in prefixes:
if message.content.startswith(str(prefix)):
global member_cooldown_list
member_cooldown_list = [i for i in member_cooldown_list if i[1] + cooldown_val > int(time.time())]
member_index = next((i for i, v in enumerate(member_cooldown_list) if v[0] == message.author.id), None)
if member_index is not None:
if member_cooldown_list[member_index][1] + cooldown_val > int(time.time()):
member_cooldown_list.append((message.author.id, int(time.time())))
count = 1
mydb = await getConnection()
mycursor = await mydb.cursor()
await mycursor.execute("SELECT ignore_role_id, bonus_role_id FROM guild_role_settings WHERE guild_id = %s", (message.author.guild.id,))
in_database = await mycursor.fetchone()
if in_database:
if in_database[0] is not None:
role_list = in_database[0].split(" ")
for roleid in role_list:
role = message.author.guild.get_role(int(roleid))
if role in message.author.roles:
await mycursor.close()
if in_database[1] is not None:
role_list = in_database[1].split(" ")
for roleid in role_list:
role = message.author.guild.get_role(int(roleid))
if role in message.author.roles:
count += 1
await mycursor.execute("SELECT ignore_channel_id FROM guild_channel_settings WHERE guild_id = %s", (message.author.guild.id,))
in_database1 = await mycursor.fetchone()
if in_database1:
if in_database1[0] is not None:
channel_list = in_database1[0].split(" ")
for channelid in channel_list:
if int(message.channel.id) == int(channelid):
await mycursor.close()
await mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM guild_message_count WHERE guild_id = %s AND user_id = %s", (message.author.guild.id, message.author.id))
in_database2 = await mycursor.fetchone()
if in_database2:
await mycursor.execute("UPDATE guild_message_count SET user_id = %s, message_count = message_count + %s WHERE guild_id = %s AND user_id = %s", (message.author.id, count, message.author.guild.id, message.author.id))
await mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO guild_message_count (user_id, message_count, guild_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (message.author.id, count, message.author.guild.id))
await mydb.commit()
await mycursor.close()
I would be really appreciate it, if anyone explains the error to me, a solution for a fix and why it occurs. I really couldn't find much information about it and its really frustrating. Especially, because it occurs since I use an async MySQL driver and python3.9.
2 days later - Still searching for fix: I don't found a solution since creation and it's really frustrating.
This is because of a race condition between discord client module and the message processing thread as explained in the link.
In summary, you should offload all the heavy operations to a separate process (not a thread due to the Python GIL). The details are as follows:
In your discord listener,
variables should be avoided as follows:The following codes have to be moved to the work server script as follows:
nohup python the_worker_script.py &
or something similar.