i'm tryng to use repoze.who for authentincation into wsgi apache Python 3.8 apt-get -y install python3 libexpat1 apache2 apache2-utils ssl-cert libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
I've configured apache: nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/mod-wsgi.conf
WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGIScriptAlias /test_wsgi /var/www/scripts/test.py
a2enconf mod-wsgi a2enmod wsgi
and in test.py
def application(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
yield 'Hello World\n'
if i launch http://myip/test_wsgi
i got Hello World
now if i try to copy the sample auth with repoze.who i try to put that code into /var/www/scripts/test.py:
from repoze.who.middleware import PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware
from repoze.who.interfaces import IIdentifier
from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallenger
from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt import AuthTktCookiePlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.redirector import RedirectorPlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd import HTPasswdPlugin,plain_check
from io import StringIO
import logging, sys
def app(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return [b"good user"]
io = StringIO()
salt = 'aa'
for name, password in [ ('admin', 'admin'), ('chris', 'chris') ]:
io.write('%s:%s\n' % (name, password))
def cleartext_check(password, hashed):
return password == hashed
htpasswd = HTPasswdPlugin(io, cleartext_check)
basicauth = BasicAuthPlugin('repoze.who')
identifiers = [('basicauth', basicauth)]
authenticators = [('htpasswd', htpasswd)]
challengers = [('basicauth', basicauth)]
mdproviders = []
from repoze.who.classifiers import default_request_classifier
from repoze.who.classifiers import default_challenge_decider
log_stream = None
import os
log_stream = sys.stdout
middleware = PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware(
log_stream = log_stream,
log_level = logging.DEBUG
application = middleware
Now if i launch my script from browser (http://myip/test_wsgi) i got "good user" and never got auth form basic for insert my credential.
Any help ?