Python Threads are not Improving Speed

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In order to speed up a certain list processing logic, I wrote a decorator that would 1) intercept incoming function call 2) take its input list, break it into multiple pieces 4) pass these pieces to the original function on seperate threads 5) combine output and return

I thought it was a pretty neat idea, until I coded it and saw there was no change in speed! Even though I see multiple cores busy on htop, multithreaded version is actually slower than the single thread version.

Does this have to do with the infamous cpython GIL?


from threading import Thread 
import numpy as np 
import time

# breaks a list into n list of lists
def split(a, n):
    k, m = len(a) / n, len(a) % n
    return (a[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in xrange(n))


def parallel_compute(fn):
    class Worker(Thread):
        def __init__(self, *args):
            self.result = None
            self.args = args
        def run(self):
            self.result = fn(*self.args)
    def new_compute(*args, **kwargs):        
        threads = [Worker(args[0], args[1], args[2], x) for x in split(args[3], THREAD_NUM)]
        for x in threads: x.start()
        for x in threads: x.join()
        final_res = []
        for x in threads: final_res.extend(x.result)
        return final_res        
    return new_compute

# some function that does a lot of computation
def f(x): return np.abs(np.tan(np.cos(np.sqrt(x**2))))

class Foo:
    def compute(self, bla, blah, input_list):
        return map(f, input_list)

inp = [i for i in range(40*1000*100)]
#inp = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    o = Foo()
    start = time.time()
    res = o.compute(None, None, inp)
    end = time.time()
    print 'parallel', end - start

Single thread version

import time, fast_one, numpy as np

class SlowFoo:
    def compute(self, bla, blah, input_list):
        return map(fast_one.f, input_list)

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    o = SlowFoo()
    start = time.time()
    res = np.array(o.compute(None, None, fast_one.inp))
    end = time.time()
    print 'single', end - start

And here is the multiprocessing version that gives "PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed".

import pathos.multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np, dill
import time

def split(a, n):
    k, m = len(a) / n, len(a) % n
    return (a[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in xrange(n))

def f(x): return np.abs(np.tan(np.cos(np.sqrt(x**2))))

def compute(input_list):
    return map(f, input_list)

D = 2; pool = mp.Pool(D)
def parallel_compute(fn):
    def new_compute(*args, **kwargs):
        inp = []
        for x in split(args[0], D): inp.append(x)
        outputs_async = pool.map_async(fn, inp)
        outputs = outputs_async.get()
        outputs = [y for x in outputs for y in x]
        return outputs
    return new_compute

compute = parallel_compute(compute)

inp = [i for i in range(40*1000)]

if __name__ == "__main__": 

    start = time.time()
    res = compute(inp)
    end = time.time()
    print 'parallel', end - start
    print len(res)

There are 2 answers

Charles Duffy On BEST ANSWER

Yes, when your threads are doing CPU-bound work implemented in Python (not by, say, C extensions which can release the GIL before and after marshalling/demarshalling data from Python structures), the GIL is a problem here.

I'd suggest using a multiprocessing model, a Python implementation that doesn't have it (IronPython, Jython, etc), or a different language altogether (if you're doing performance-sensitive work, there's no end of languages nearly as fluid as Python but with considerably better runtime performance).

Alu On

Alternatively you can redsign and start all parallel Code in subprocesses.

You need worker-threads which start a subprocess for calculation. Those subprocesses can run really parallel.