I just need to read all of the information that is listed in Device Manager with a python 2.7 script. Especially the information under 'IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers' subcategory. This is needed to detect whether the SATA drives are under AHCI or IDE mode...
Python Read the Device Manager Information
8.5k views Asked by Erik343 At
There are 2 answers
One easy way (on Windows) is to use Windows Device Manager's API. There is a Python binding here. After installing the package, the code bellow will do fine:
from infi.devicemanager import DeviceManager
dm = DeviceManager()
devices = dm.all_devices
for device in devices:
My way is not perfect, but that is good solution so far for me, just for you reference. Through the devcon.exe which is in WDK(Windows Dev... Kit), and my code as below.