I've been dealing with this problem for quite some time now.
When I try to encrypt a file with PyCrypto. I can encrypt and decrypt it (only works with images so far). The problem is that the image becomes corrupted when I encrypt it and try to open it. How can I fix it so I can still run the program or see the image when it's been encrypted?
Here is the encryption code:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto import Random
import os
def Encryption(Key, filename):
chunksize = 64*1024
outputFile = "[CryptoReady]"+filename
filesize = str(os.path.getsize(filename)).zfill(16)
IV = Random.new().read(16)
encryptor = AES.new(Key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
with open(filename, 'rb') as infile:
with open(outputFile, 'wb') as outfile:
while True:
chunk = infile.read(chunksize)
if len(chunk) == 0:
elif len(chunk) % 16 != 0:
chunk += b'}' * (16 - (len(chunk) % 16))
When you encrypt a file, its contents are run through an algorithm and the contents are changed. If your file is a JPEG, its headers are also changed causing it to look-like corrupt if you try to open it using file viewers.
However, what's happening behind the scenes is they have just been transformed from
to let's sayY
. To bring it back and have your image viewer easily open it, you will need to run the file thorough a decryption algorithm using the appropriate keys. That way yourY
type will be transformed back exactly toX
type and you will be able to read it.