I have a python (2.7.10) code based on the "quickstart" example at https://developers.google.com/people/quickstart/python, which reads contacts from a gmail account. It has been running every Sunday for months. On 12/18/16, it failed. The error message and lines leading up to it are:
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
service = discovery.build('people', 'v1', http=http,
results = service.people().connections().list(resourceName='people/me',
AttributeError: 'Resource' object has no attribute 'connections'
On entry to this code 'credentials' seems ok, but I am not skilled enough to really know. credentials.invalid is false, which is what the code checks for.
My code did not change. Did something happen to the build/discovery service? Could the credentials have something to do with this?
This is on Windows 7.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Messing around with it, I was able to get it to work with this change:
I'm not sure why the code was changed, or why it wasn't documented. I simply dug around calling
on each object.