Python pandas "filter" a time series for trading days only

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I have a two datasets that look like this:

enter image description here

What I'd like to do is filter out non-trading days on the "data" dataframe. I assume it would be comparing the of each row to the of trading_days, then returning the row if there's a match. If there is no match, then it is not a trading day and the row is not returned. This effectively filters out the dataset of non-trading days.

However, going row-by-row here to check if the two data.index.dates are equal using an apply() function to return the row seems inefficient - I feel like there's a more efficient way to do this since I will do this on a 180M row dataframe.

Is there some kind of "merge" or "join" like:


that will filter for only the dates where matches? I need to have it all by the minute-level (as shown in the "data" dataframe) but simply filter out non-trade dates. Thanks for your help!

UPDATE to include values (please let me know if there's a better way to paste these):

In[5]: data.head(30).values
array([[ 438.9,  438.9,  438.9,  438.9,    0. ],
       [ 438.9,  438.9,  438.7,  438.7,   31. ],
       [ 438.6,  438.6,  438.6,  438.6,    7. ],
       [ 438.4,  438.7,  438.4,  438.4,    4. ],
       [ 438.4,  438.4,  438.3,  438.3,    4. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    1. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    0. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    1. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.2,  438.2,    0. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    3. ],
       [ 438. ,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    6. ],
       [ 438. ,  438.2,  438. ,  438. ,    8. ],
       [ 438.2,  438.2,  438.1,  438.1,    6. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    4. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    0. ],
       [ 438.3,  438.3,  438.3,  438.3,    1. ],
       [ 438.3,  438.3,  438.3,  438.3,    0. ],
       [ 438.3,  438.3,  438.3,  438.3,    0. ],
       [ 438.1,  438.1,  438.1,  438.1,    1. ],
       [ 438. ,  438. ,  437.9,  437.9,   54. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,   10. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,    1. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,    6. ],
       [ 437.8,  437.8,  437.8,  437.8,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,   12. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  438. ,  437.9,  438. ,    0. ],
       [ 437.9,  437.9,  437.9,  437.9,    1. ],
       [ 437.9,  437.9,  437.8,  437.8,    4. ]])

And here are the time stamps:

In[10]: data.head(30).index.values
       '2005-01-02T14:28:00.000000000-0500'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')

And the trading_days is a read.csv from here:


enter image description here


There are 2 answers


You can do a join the following way:

  1. Add a days column to data which contains the day of the index.
  2. pd.merge(days, data, on='days')

This does an inner join by default, so only the rows from data with days which appear in the days frame will be in the result.

Bob Haffner On

You're on the right track. I would create another column in the data dataframe that contained the datetime value in your index, but with a format that was similar to one used in your trading_days dataframe. So 2005-01-02 23:59:00*00:00 becomes 2005-01-02

Then you could use Merge

data.merge (trading_days, how='inner', left_on='newcolumn', right_index=True)