I am trying to create an interactive plot using netgraph and networkx.
I would like the plot to allow movement of the nodes and as the nodes move, the edges and edge_labels will also dynamically update.
Moving the nodes was addressed by the author of netgraph here . Now when I make a simpler plot and try to label an edge, the label stays static, and is sometimes not even on an edge.
It seems like handling edge_positions similar to node_positions on the last two lines should at least address the label not moving. Why the label isn't anchored to a particular edge is still puzzling. Does anyone know if the desired effect is achievable?
Here is a snip before moving anything:
Here is a snip after moving the bottom-right node to the top left:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import netgraph # pip install netgraph
#Graph creation:
for i in range(6):
#Changing shape for two nodes
G.nodes[1]['shape'] = "v"
G.nodes[5]['shape'] = "v"
#Add edges
labs={(1,2):"1 to 2"}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G),edge_labels=labs)
#Get node shapes
node_shapes = nx.get_node_attributes(G,"shape")
# Create an interactive plot.
# NOTE: you must retain a reference to the object instance!
# Otherwise the whole thing will be garbage collected after the initial draw
# and you won't be able to move the plot elements around.
pos = nx.layout.spring_layout(G)
######## drag nodes around #########
# To access the new node positions:
plot_instance = netgraph.InteractiveGraph(G, node_shape=node_shapes, node_positions=pos, edge_positions=pos)
node_positions = plot_instance.node_positions
edge_positions = plot_instance.edge_positions
To have it as formal answer, you need to add to the
object the information that you want to draw (and move) the edge labels, i.e. the following(With emphasis on the last parameter)
As you already, noticed then you don't need the call of