python launchers (.exe) from \script fails

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I'm trying to convert QT .ui file into .py file.

Found several issues saying ".exe's won't run from a directory with spaces". I was struggling with the same issue, and found that there were multiple copies of .exe file on my drive.

C:\shbaek>where.exe pyuic5

C:\Program Files\Miniconda3\Scripts\pyuic5.exe



And I was running the command line as Administrator, so calling pyuic5 would access the one from \Program Files\. When I directly change directory to second one and run pyuic5, it runs without any error but the first one would give an error massage as follows.

Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

Running the prompt without Admin privilege automatically runs the second one (from \Users\) without any error.

So, am I supposed to run cmd without Admin privilege to avoid those issues? Or is there any possible way to force the Admin cmd run pyuic5 from the \Users\ path?


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