with my python script i want to iterate my xml file searching a specific element tag. I have some problem related to the namespace of the root tag.
Below my XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rootTag xmlns="blablabla">
...and so on...
Below my PYTHON script:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring(xml_taken_from_web)
The problem is that output of print is:
so when i iter over it all the tag_1, tag_2, and so on tags will have the {blablabla} string so i'm not able to make any check on the tag.
I tried using regular expression in this way
root = re.sub('^{.*?}', '', root.tag)
the problem is that root after that is a string type and so i cannot over it such an Element type
How can i print only rootTag ?
With that just use: