The browser traverses all the webpages correctly but is listening on a different port in spite of specifying the port in the below code. I am trying to initiate the internet explorer driver using selenium and browsermob-proxy with the following code:
#Set up the BroserMob-Proxy Client and Server
proxy = ProxyManager()
server = proxy.start_server()
client = proxy.start_client()
#Set up the Internet Explorer driver and open the link creating an HAR file on the proxy server
capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.INTERNETEXPLORER.copy()
capabilities['ensureCleanSession'] = True
capabilities["proxy"] = { "proxyType": "manual", "httpProxy": client.proxy }
capabilities['ignoreProtectedModeSettings'] = True
capabilities['IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings'] = True
capabilities['nativeEvents'] = True
capabilities['ignoreZoomSetting'] = True
capabilities['requireWindowFocus'] = True
driver = webdriver.Ie(IEdriver, capabilities=capabilities)
print("Error setting up IE driver. Please verify that path supplied to the internet explorer driver is correct.")