I am trying to deploy my Flask application on Heroku PaaS Cloud Service. It, however, works on localhost with no errors. I am using git for version control and pushing to Heroku. Initially, as a web server, I used 'gunicorn' but later came to know it is useful for UNIX distributions. So I resorted my webserver to 'waitress'. I saw some of the posts and tried everything in the Procfile for hosting to Heroku. My Procfile reads like: web: waitress-serve --port=$PORT app:app
. I also know that the first app
in this line is the package and the second app
is the name of the instance best to my knowledge. I even changed from app
to myapp
, website
and I have all the packages including these mentioned are in my VS code editor. But my application is not getting deployed onto Heroku and it gives Application Error. Now when I check the logs using heroku logs --tail
it gives me the following error as in the screenshot. Any help would be highly obliged. I am trying this for 23 hours. Heroku Logs
Python Flask Web application not able to deploy on Heroku using Waitress server
751 views Asked by ranjir At
The Procfile looks correct but the problem could be that the file (app.py) and the variable (app) have the same name.
I suggest the following approach, in
The application can be launched from the Procfile with