Python encoded utf-8 string \xc4\x91 in Java

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How to get proper Java string from Python created string 'Oslobo\xc4\x91enja'? How to decode it? I've tryed I think everything, looked everywhere, I've been stuck for 2 days with this problem. Please help!

Here is the Python's web service method that returns JSON from which Java client with Google Gson parses it.

def list_of_suggestions(entry):
   input = entry.encode('utf-8')
   """Returns list of suggestions from auto-complete search"""
   json_result = { 'suggestions': [] }
   resp = urllib2.urlopen('' + urllib2.quote(input) + '&location=45.268605,19.852924&radius=3000&components=country:rs&sensor=false&key=blahblahblahblah')
   # make json object from response
   json_resp = json.loads(

   if json_resp['status'] == u'OK':
     for pred in json_resp['predictions']:
        if pred['description'].find('Novi Sad') != -1 or pred['description'].find(u'Нови Сад') != -1:
           obj = {}
           obj['name'] = pred['description'].encode('utf-8').encode('string-escape')
           obj['reference'] = pred['reference'].encode('utf-8').encode('string-escape')

   return str(json_result)

Here is solution on Java client

private String python2JavaStr(String pythonStr) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    int charValue;
    byte[] bytes = pythonStr.getBytes();
    ByteBuffer decodedBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(pythonStr.length());
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        if (bytes[i] == '\\' && bytes[i + 1] == 'x') {
            // \xc4 => c4 => 196
            charValue = Integer.parseInt(pythonStr.substring(i + 2, i + 4), 16);
            decodedBytes.put((byte) charValue);
            i += 3;
        } else
    return new String(decodedBytes.array(), "UTF-8");

There are 2 answers

Martijn Pieters On BEST ANSWER

You are returning the string version of the python data structure.

Return an actual JSON response instead; leave the values as Unicode:

if json_resp['status'] == u'OK':
    for pred in json_resp['predictions']:
        desc = pred['description'] 
        if u'Novi Sad' in desc or u'Нови Сад' in desc:
            obj = {
                'name': pred['description'],
                'reference': pred['reference']

return json.dumps(json_result)

Now Java does not have to interpret Python escape codes, and can parse valid JSON instead.

Keith On

Python escapes unicode characters by converting their UTF-8 bytes into a series of \xVV values, where VV is the hex value of the byte. This is very different from the java unicode escapes, which are just a single \uVVVV per character, where VVVV is hex UTF-16 encoding.



In decimal, those hex values are:

196 145

then (in Java):

byte[] bytes = { (byte) 196, (byte) 145 };
System.out.println("result: " + new String(bytes, "UTF-8"));


result: đ