I use pdfkit and wkhtmltopdf to generate pdf documents. When i generate the first pdf all is well. When i quickly (within 5 seconds) generate an other i get the error [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor. If i close the error (step back in browser) and open again, it will create the pdf.
my views.py
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf='C:/wkhtmltopdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe')
pdfgen = pdfkit.from_url(url, printname, configuration=config)
pdf = open(printname, 'rb')
response = HttpResponse(pdf.read())
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
response['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment ; filename =' + filename
return response
Maybe important note: i run this site on IIS8, when running from commandline (python manage.py runserver) the error is not present.
Any guidelines on how to handle this error would be great.
This point suggests that your code is flawless and the problem lies with your browser rejecting the URL as Peter suggests.
Most probably the cause of the error lies with file buffer flush. Consider flushing buffer at appropriate places.